欢 迎 辞 | |
中国自行车协会理事长 |
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2013年5月6日至9日,在上海新国际博览中心隆重举办的第23届中国国际自行车展览会(简称:"中国展")再次成为业界的年度盛事,海内外行界同仁关注的焦点。值此,我谨代表中国自行车协会和"中国展"组委会,向各位领导、中外来宾以及自行车业界的同行朋友们表示热烈欢迎和诚挚感谢! 2013年的中国展,12.5万平米的展览面积,容纳了来自全球24个国家和地区的1300多家企业,其中,海外企业的参展数与上届同比增长18%;骑行装备企业的参展数与上届同比增长20%;6200多个展位集中展示了近年来自行车产业高端、创新、一流的新产品、新工艺、新材料;荟萃了自行车、电动车、摩托车及户外骑行装备的百万精品。"中国展"作为全球最具规模的综合性展览会,为全球自行车行业展示品牌、展示文化和贸易沟通搭建了合作平台。 聚焦2013年,以"立足两轮文化,共筑骑行风尚"为主题的"中国展"将更具观赏性、时尚性与参与性。"中国国际户外用品(骑行装备)展"首度亮相,近200个国内外知名品牌的闪亮登场,为日渐壮大的户外骑行装备企业搭建沟通桥梁。"创新示范展"的华丽升级与展中文化活动的巧妙融合,整体提升了行业形象,增强了行业的影响力。以"展"引领时尚,以"展"弘扬文化,以"展"开拓科技创新,"中国展"为推进绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展、和谐发展,发挥了中国自行车行业不可或缺的重要作用。 在此,我热忱欢迎您参与、参观"中国展",在这里寻求机遇、创造机遇、实现共赢! |
2013年5月 |
Welcome Message |
Mr. Ma Zhongchao |
Chairman of China Bicycle Association |
The 23rd. China International Bicycle Fair, known as China Cycle 2013, will be holy held on May 6-9, 2013 at Shanghai New International Expo Center. It will become another focus in the bicycle industry of this year. On this occasion, I would like to extend my warm welcome and sincere gratefulness to the leaders, partners, colleagues and guest in the bicycle industry on behalf of China Bicycle Association and the organizing committee. With the total scale of 125,000 square meters, we are glad to see more than 1300 exhibitors from 24 countries and regions participate in the show this year. The number of exhibitors from overseas raised by 18%, while that of cycling equipment raised 20%. Among the 6200 booth, we can see the new products, new materials and new technologies on the bicycle, e-bicycle, motor cycle and outdoor cycling products. China Cycle show, as the largest comprehensive exhibition on the world, is presenting a pretty good platform for product display, culture exchange and trade transaction of the bicycle industry. With the theme "Cycling culture, inspiring cycling fashion",China Cycle 2013 is becoming more entertaining, fashion and interactive. This year, hall E5 with cycling and outdoor products is upgraded into outdoor show with about 200 famous brands from home and abroad. The upgraded innovative exhibition is perfectly integrated with the on-site cycling activities with keen cycling culture. All these raised the image and strengthen the influence of bicycle industry. With the show, we leader the fashion, promote the culture and push the technology upgrading. With the help of China Cycling show, we are playing a crucial role for better greening, recycling, eco-friendly and harmonious development of the society. Wish all my friends a great success on China Cycle 2013! |